Cast: Desiree Cousteau, Brigitte Lahaie, Cathy Stewart, France Lomay, Karine Gambier, Monique Carrere, Morgane, Sophie Abelaid, Richard Lemieuvre, Pjotr Stanislas, Dominique Aveline, Alban Ceray, Dominique Irissou, John Oury, Tony Morena
Studio: Gerard Kikoine, Michael Goritschnig, Alpha France Released: 1979 Category: France, French, Französisch, 70s, Oldie, Classic, Retro, Vintage, HD, 720p, Lesbian, Toy, Hairy, Straps, Story
Brigitte and Richard (Lemieuvre) live together and Brigitte runs a group of call girls. Richard is an investigative reporter using them to get the goods on their clients as he's been tasked to write an expose. The plan seems to be that Richard will get incriminating evidence before they have to go all the way, but something slapstick always seems to go wrong before he does.